Aggelos Chatzikyriakos

Zafiria Papachristou



Up-Close and Personal

"The Greatest Cause" - A poem of a life devoted to the art and science of medicine

On this journey, so long ago, with great ambition I did embark; For a difference I sought to make; In a world I saw so dark;

Yet little did I know, of the beast I was to face; Which many have tried in vain to fight; Running this endless, noble race;

Though to beneficence and solidarity, with pride I once swore; Now these words seem so distant; Feel lost, as in the smoke of war;

But any rest or peace, is not my time yet to find; As I have much good still to do; Before I once and forever, go blind;

So here I find myself, in all my mere mortality; Completely powerless against the beast; And its merciless, cruel brutality;

"Happy at the Winter Wonderland" | London, United Kingdom